
The History of Stage4 Ministries

Stage4 Ministries was nothing more than an idea for years. Steve Marquez was the senior pastor of the Calvary Chapel in Fort Smith, Arkansas for 15 1/2 years until he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and the ministry aspect of pastoring became too much.

There were plenty of organizations that could help with the physical and medical needs of the cancer patient. Some helped with cutting hair, massages, good nutrition. These were all great, but there was a gaping hole: spiritual care.

They found that there were plenty of “Cancer Ministries” at the local church, but none that were readily available for them to call and pray with or share scriptures or where they could get assistance on this level. As they struggled with this, and prayed for this type of ministry, the idea came to them. They could start the ministry themselves! It would be like water for the weary soul!

That is when the idea of Stage4 Ministries came to mind. As a cancer patient, Steve knows the needs of other cancer patients, and Monica knows intimately what it means to be a caregiver.